What I have come to understand about life is that if you are suffering in some way with a belief or thought pattern, freedom comes by spinning the situation around in your mind like a kaleidoscope and looking at it from a different angle. Often like
 One day a friend told me that he had a terrible disease. I was stunned by the way he said it. No fear of rejection, no shame. In that moment, I was so impacted by the state of freedom that he lived it. He looked me dead in the eye and said it in a w
 Often we hide aspects of ourselves out of fear and shame without realizing these are the aspects that make us the most human and the most lovable. When you open up and begin to share the truth of who you are, some people may fall away but those peop
 Love Me Anyways... a thought initiative. A shift in perspective creates new beliefs, which creates a new experience of the world. LMA is a thought initiative meant to inspire a shift from the dark loneliness of shame to a brighter living space of ac
 Hooray for spectacular messes... The more extraordinarily things blast apart the more space there is for the magic to work in the process of reconfiguration, weaving and wrapping around each teeny particle and shifting it into a place it couldn't ha
 I met a woman yesterday who came across one of my tags on the day her mom OD'd. She said she was angry & so hurting but in that moment when the words struck her something shifted, she let it all go and was able to just love her anyway. I think t
 If you're lucky, u will die many times in this lifetime, only to come back with the only 2 things that really matter: fucking fireworks & a twinkle in your eye.