Glitter Finger Thought Initiative.... Mostly it's about not getting sucked into how the details of your life tell you to feel, but instead choosing your own experience in all scenarios. Like the time Edison's warehouse burned to the ground with his life's work inside and he gathered his whole family to watch it burn and said: We will never again get to see such a fire. Alchemy. It's basically about alchemy... taking stuff that on the surface is the shittiest are you fucking-kidding-me-thing ever and finding the beauty & magic & humor in it... realizing it just makes the arc of your story that much more colorful and dramatic. And then taking it a step further and using the fuck out of it to become a muchier version of yourself. Because muchness is everything.

It’s interesting to consider how we get conditioned to certain feeling tones at an early age. We then go on in life filtering what is actually a beautifully neutral reality in order to think the thoughts that replicate these feeling tones. This becomes our belief system and our brain chemistry. We actually become addicted to a certain chemical recipe that was fed to us once upon a time and without realizing it, continue to feed it to ourselves. That’s the sh*t horror movies are made of, and I know because I lived in one for many years. But now in every situation that arises, I give a giant glittering F you to living within the confines of a skewed reality that calls me to see anything but hope, possibility, infiniteness, and light because that is the experience that I want to have while adventuring around this weird and wonderful world.

Every single thing is really just a calling to expand, to become a greater version of yourself. It's a beautiful day to give a giant glittering fuk you to all the painful details that keep us hooked on the story- which is just the surface level, and begin to work with the energy underneath the story, develop the muscle to bear the burden of the new gifts, watch the magic begin to spark as you plug them into your life... convert the pain and darkness into pure light and become a FUKING ALCHEMIST.

All humans are strong.. we can endure the unthinkable. But that's only half the journey. We weren't meant to just survive shit and have some fucked up story to tell while we drink and pray to the mercy of the shadow monsters to stay small. The magic lies in becoming larger than all of it, taking ownership of those circumstances and having the audacity to assign your own meaning. Giving them a definition that adds beautiful dimension to your story, instead of letting them define you as worth less. The slave/master relationship flips and that's where the journey into something far greater begins. Tame the demons of the past and together, become wild.
I actually don’t think I’ve ever given anyone the finger... It’s more of an internal statement. My secret religion. To everyday stand in the face of walls your mind constructs until you see the solid concrete turn to vapor as you move through what seemed like the was no world on the other side. One of the greatest powers we have is the decision to always tell the story of a compelling future. No matter what. Life hands out doom and diagnoses like a slot machine on full tilt. But there is always a deeper truth in your heart. There may be many days where you cannot move forward through those walls, can’t even fathom that they are not reality... but you can still stand in solidarity with that twinkle of truth…that inner rebellion, that decision that This story is anything other than tragedy... despite what it looks like now... that is where your freedom begins and a new world takes shape.

Just a little reminder to keep reaching with curious fingers into that vast space beyond the little box your mind tries keep u in...