“I see you Mara”
On the night the Buddha was to attain enlightenment, he sat under a tree. While he was sitting there, the forces of the demon Mara shot arrows at him to distract him from becoming enlightened, but as he had the awareness to see beneath the surface story to what was truly happening, he was able to maintain his path.
The awareness to see all things for what they truly are- merely an attempt at distraction from your true state of joy and inner peace, helps dissolve them into nothingness.

A mantra that has carried me very far in life is “Fck Everybody and F*ck Every Thing”. It’s not with a mean spirit that I proclaim that internally countless times a day. For me it creates a clearing- it pushing the current circumstances of reality back into their place, as something to note, but not to be defined by. Being caught in a mindless loop of responding only to the people and circumstances that exist in your current life is the surest way to keep creating more of the same. You become a slave, addicted to stress hormones. Freedom lies in a moment by moment choice to put more energy into strengthening the connections to future and greater versions of your Self and your life.

There is a spiritual rebellion in rejecting the circumstances of the physical world and committing to choose your own experience. That is where the greatest freedom and connection to the infinite lies. There is tremendous light in darkness, deep beauty hidden in things that are frightening on the surface. Developing the ability to choose what you take from all of life’s circumstances is the journey out of victimhood. It is an empowered state of true creatorship and the way to access feelings of deep grounding and inner peace.

You can live as a result of your conditioning and all the messages you have absorbed from a parasitic society that capitalizes on breaking your spirit and your heart and disconnecting you from your true self and all of your life potential… or you can UNFUKYOURSELF.